International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science 2023-04-14T04:02:31+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science </strong>is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the exchange of high-quality research results in all aspects of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science. </p> The Use of Lightweight Bricks in Earthquake-Resistant House Construction in Mentawai 2023-04-14T02:54:08+00:00 Salsabila Rahmi Rihadatul Aisya Mytha Amelya <p>The Mentawai Islands in Indonesia are prone to earthquakes, making it necessary for the local population to construct houses that can withstand seismic activity. Lightweight bricks have been proposed as a potential solution due to their ability to reduce the weight of the building without compromising its strength. This paper examines the feasibility of using lightweight bricks in earthquake-resistant house construction in Mentawai. The research methodology includes a literature review, site survey, and laboratory testing of the bricks. The study found that lightweight bricks are a suitable material for earthquake-resistant house construction in Mentawai, as they reduce the overall weight of the building, while maintaining its structural integrity. This study provides valuable insights into the use of lightweight bricks in seismic-resistant house construction in the region.</p> 2023-04-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science TikTok Takes Over: Utilizing Live TikTok and TikTok Shop for Business Promotion 2023-04-14T04:02:31+00:00 Citra Ablia Gusti <p>This research aims to explore the utilization of TikTok as a business promotion media through Live TikTok and TikTok Shop features. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method by conducting literature studies and analyzing data from reliable sources. The results show that TikTok is an effective promotion media because it has many users, is easy to use, popular among millennials, often used by celebrities, and has TikTok ads features that can optimize content distribution. Live TikTok and TikTok Shop features can also be used as a means of business promotion by holding live streaming and selling products directly through the application.</p> 2023-04-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science GARHANA: DEVELOPMENT OF APPLICATIONS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS TO LEARN ABOUT SOLAR AND LUNAR ECLIPSES BASED ON AUGMENTED REALITY 2022-07-28T06:58:44+00:00 Aina Almardiyah Wahyu Zulya Syaputra Nova Yulistina Muhammad Fakhrul Rozi Ramos Mardiansyah Fitri Maiziani <p>Lunar and solar eclipses are unusual phenomena that only happen for a limited time. The way eclipses happen has been described in science classes. Learning materials must be able to accurately depict the eclipse's process. Integrating technology and media together can create interactive educational content. One of them is augmented reality, which can show actual three-dimensional things. This educational resource's components include 3D objects, markers, and smartphone-accessible applications. Blender, Unity, and Vuforia were used to develop the media</p> 2022-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science Development of Interactive Multimedia in Integrated Thematic Learning by Using Macromedia Flash in Grade IV Elementary School 2022-07-28T07:00:04+00:00 Nurul Alyaa Roza Aisyah Anggraeni Izzan Muhammad Furkan Fastabiqul Khairat Tiara Utari Bayu Rachman Desyandri <p>This research is motivated by the lack of use of interactive, interesting and fun media for students, especially on technology-based media and during the learning process students have not been actively involved and are less involved in the process of using media. Technology-based learning media has not yet been developed because teachers only rely on theme books, MRT books, and other supporting books as sources as well as learning media, occasionally the teacher shows videos from YouTube. This study aims to determine the development of interactive multimedia in integrated thematic learning using Macromedia Flash in grade IV Elementary School in Padang City which is valid and practical.</p> <p>This type of research is Research and development (R&amp;D). The development model used in this study is the ADDIE model with the Analysis stage, the Design stage, the Development stage, the Implementation stage and the Evaluation stage.</p> <p>The results of the research developed, obtained the results of the validity level of learning media in integrated thematic learning with a total validation value of 86.4% in the very valid category. Furthermore, the results of practical trials of learning media in the form of interactive multimedia using Macromedia Flash in integrated thematic learning are stated to be very practical. This can be seen from the teacher's response and the student's response. Where the teacher response questionnaire scored 95% in the very practical category and 15 student response questionnaires scored 94.1% in the very practical category. Thus, the development of learning media in the form of interactive multimedia using Macromedia Flash in integrated thematic learning in grade IV Elementary School is very valid and very practical.</p> 2022-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science STUDENT WORKSHEETS BASED LIVEWORKSHEETS DISCOVERY LEARNING MODEL IN THEMATIC TEACHING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT WORKSHEETS BASED LIVEWORKSHEETS DISCOVERY LEARNING MODEL IN THEMATIC TEACHING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2022-07-28T07:01:41+00:00 Dola Azhari Fitri Raudhatya Ummamy Puja Wahyu Ilahi Wulandary Mutiara Azmi <p>This study aims to develop appropriate Student Worksheets with current technological developments that have not been used optimally in thematic learning in elementary schools, as well as for the realization of meaningful learning. This type of research is development research with research and development (R&amp;D) methods. This study uses a 4-D (four-D) namely the stages of definingdesigning,developing,disseminatingand.,The subjects of this research trial were the fourth grade students of elementary school 10 Lubuk Begalung, totaling 27 people to determine the practicality of the products developed. The result of this research is a product in the form of student worksheet using Liveworksheets based on Discovery Learning for fourth grade elementary school students. The results of the analysis of the material validation instrument were 88.8%, linguistic validation was 90%, and media validation was 92.70%, so the worksheet developed was categorized as very valid. The practicality level of student worksheet from teachers is 97.14% (very practical) and the practicality level of student worksheet by students reaches a practicality value of 92.86% (very practical).</p> 2022-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science VC.LAB (Virtual Chemistry Labora VC.LAB (Virtual Chemistry Laboratory): DESIGN AND BUILD AN ANDROID-BASED ACID-BASE TITRATION GAME APPLICATION AS A CHEMISTRY INTERACTIVE LEARNING MEDIUM IN HIGH SCHOOL 2022-07-28T07:02:29+00:00 Ahmad Yusuf Rahmad Wahyu Darmawan Aina Almardiyah Naufal Azzuhdi Vitri Yanti Fitri Maiziani Ulfia Rahmi <p>Acid-base titration material is difficult for most students because it is abstract. According to Sheppard [17], students describe the neutralization process as the physical mixing of acids and bases that do not produce products and do not have a reaction equation. From these problems, researchers designed the VC.LAB (Virtual Chemistry Laboratory) application: Design and Build an Android-Based Acid-Base Titration Game Application as a Chemistry Interactive Learning Medium in High School. This application can make it easier for students to understand the acid-base titration material. In addition, the existence of various cool features available can attract students to learn it. The method used in this study is the prototype method. This method is carried out in stages, namely by developing a simple prototype first and then being developed from time to time until the software is finished being developed [16]. The results of the design of making this game are carried out by creating a model that explains the material and practical simulation activities in the form of a special smartphone application to make it easier for users to carry out individual learning virtually.</p> 2022-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science INOVASI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN TAHFIDZ UNTUK ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN MENGGUNAKAN POP UP BOOK MAURO 2022-07-28T07:03:16+00:00 Risca Amani Risca Afdal Luthfi Fitri Maulidazani Vikri Aflaha Qomari Azmil Umur Arisul Mahdi Rahamhtrisilvia Johandri Taufan Setia Budi <p>Mauro's pop up book is an innovation of tahfidz learning media based on digital technology with a three-dimensional (3D) design that is used to help learning tahfidz for children with special needs. Media pop up book Mauro contains moving book sheets with pieces of paper that appear or arise when the book is opened and fully folded when the book is closed. The digital technology used in this media innovation is voice recognition, respiberrry pi4 and loud seeker. The research method used is a prototype. Mauro's pop up book is designed in such a way for children with special needs to make the learning process more interesting, thereby increasing children's interest in memorizing and studying the Koran. This media applies visual and auditory elements in the learning process.</p> 2022-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science Developing Aplication-based Puzzle Learning Media on Increasing Child’s Ability to Recognize Letters 2022-08-01T01:34:35+00:00 Putri Zahara Hafisil Miftah Amanda Valencia Ami Nurhasanah Nuraini <p>Based on the results of study, application-based puzzle learning media in improving Children’s ability to recognize letters agedi5-6iyearsihasibeenigenerated "very valid" with an assessment percentage 96.16%. The proportion of children's fundamental reading abilities that were assessed before utilizing puzzle learning media was 18.7%, which was classified as "very low." The Percentage results of children's reading abilities examination after they used puzzle learning media was 73.9% and were classified as "high". The media is reported to be effective in theieffectivenessitest since thereiis an increaseiinithe development ofachildren's reading abilities before and after they utilize puzzle learning media. The study producedvalid and effective application-basedpuzzle learning mediathat could beemployed as one of the early childhood learning media. Adobe Flash Professional CS6 was used to createthispuzzle learningmaterial.</p> 2022-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science FreshBox App: Fresh Groceries Sales Application Innovation 2022-08-01T01:59:08+00:00 Muhammad Thoriq Albari Muhammad Raffi Ghifari Muhammad Arya Ghifari <p>Buying fresh food is a basic need for a family. Fresh food is needed to cook food / side dishes, buying fresh food is also needed to fill the food so there is no need to buy fresh food needs every day. Along with the development of technology, it is easier for people to access everything including buying basic needs, buying fresh vegetables and meat, now they can use the buying and selling platform, namely "FreshBox". This application deals with the sale of fresh food ingredients such as those sold in traditional markets using online shopping methods. The name of this application is FreshBox, the name "FreshBox" is given because of the process of packaging goods sold using Boxes so that the goods are maintained during the delivery period. This application is useful to make it easier for users who need fresh food ingredients so they don't need to go to traditional markets. This application was developed using the Android application launch application, namely Android Studio. The logo used uses a simple concept and the green color can mean freshness. The freshbox application will be very helpful for someone who wants to buy cooking ingredients but with limited time so that while waiting for the item to do other work, it can also help people with disabilities so they don't need to shop at traditional places. market, This app is very useful in future for everyone. This app is made for all ages.</p> 2022-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science Sweet Drinks App: Innovative Technology App to Buy Fresh and Healthy Drinks 2022-08-01T01:59:50+00:00 Muhammad Raffi Ghifari Muhammad Arya Ghifari Muhammad Thoriq Albari <p>Buying a drink is a necessity for everyone in this world. but there are some drinks that we often encounter and are consumed by humans. This drink, of course, comes from a variety of ingredients, one of which is fruit. all the drinks we make are quality drinks and affordable prices. We also use a variety of fresh and new beverage ingredients. As technology evolves, it becomes easier for people to access everything including buying fresh and healthy drinks, and now you can use the “SweetDrinks” ordering platform. This app relates to people ordering drinks. The name of this app is Sweet Drink. Why is it called a sweet drink? because this app tries to help people find a variety of drinks, and also comfortable with the services provided. This application can be used by everyone for free. This application can also be developed via android. The logo used uses the concept of millennial children's drinks with a doodle aesthetic to attract buyers. This logo was also created to draw the attention of shoppers towards their drinks as well as the services provided by the app. SweetDrinks is an application that is intended for people who want to easily buy drinks such as juice, coffee, and some other fresh drinks, no longer need to go to a shop or cafe to buy drinks. the way this application works is the same as other platforms in general, the buyer can choose the drink to be purchased then the buyer can also determine the number of drinks to be purchased, after that the buyer will be directed to fill in the address, after that the buyer can make a payment, after making payment for the goods already purchased will be immediately processed for delivery to the destination address.</p> 2022-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science KULINER LOKAL App: Practical and Efficient Innovation to Enjoy Regional Specialties 2022-08-01T02:00:24+00:00 Muhammad Arya Ghifari Muhammad Raffi Ghifari Muhammad thoriq Albari <p>Eating local food is very difficult in today's era since the advent of fast food. Because it is not fast food, it is more attractive to teenagers and children. The food is not only delicious, but also saves us time when pressed. The development of technology makes it easier for people to access everything, including ordering local food, not only simple local dishes, but also healthy, rich in spices and you can save time. You can order via smartphone and it is very helpful for those who cannot leave the house or are busy with work. You all can now enjoy regional specialties anywhere at home, don't forget if you want to order food online, order it at "LOCAL CULINARY". This application handles people who are lazy to leave the house but still want to taste regional specialties local. The name of this app is 'LOCAL CULINARY'. This application can be used to order food online. This application was developed using android studio. Use this logo because it has its own meaning. TOS in the middle of the logo means LOCAL Culinary. The red color on the logo was chosen with the intention of symbolizing savory and spicy dishes, while the chili logo on the side gives the impression of being rich in spices and spicy. In this modern era, there are lots of jobs that can be done practically and can arrange things according to what we want, using online-based technology, now we can buy something with just one click, it's that simple. For that we present a specially designed LOCAL CULINARY application. to buy fresh local food so that it can make it easier for people to buy something so there is no need to go to a food stall, just order from home.</p> 2022-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Ethnoscience, Bio-Informatic, Innovation, Invention and Techno-Science