Developing Aplication-based Puzzle Learning Media on Increasing Child’s Ability to Recognize Letters
Learning Media, Puzzles, Reading Skills, Children Aged 5-6 YearsAbstract
Based on the results of study, application-based puzzle learning media in improving Children’s ability to recognize letters agedi5-6iyearsihasibeenigenerated "very valid" with an assessment percentage 96.16%. The proportion of children's fundamental reading abilities that were assessed before utilizing puzzle learning media was 18.7%, which was classified as "very low." The Percentage results of children's reading abilities examination after they used puzzle learning media was 73.9% and were classified as "high". The media is reported to be effective in theieffectivenessitest since thereiis an increaseiinithe development ofachildren's reading abilities before and after they utilize puzzle learning media. The study producedvalid and effective application-basedpuzzle learning mediathat could beemployed as one of the early childhood learning media. Adobe Flash Professional CS6 was used to createthispuzzle learningmaterial.